Relatório e contas

Já pode ser consultado o documento aprovado em Assembleia Geral Ordinária relativo ao exercício de 2023.

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Olhar para dentro de nós, por Pedro Branco

Um artigo que nos transporta para o interior, para a reflexão sobre o papel das pessoas ao serviço da educação.

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A school where one learns to grow.

"A school made of people, by people.
People committed, capable, promoting a good integral development of the child and who have APIA as a mission".
Sofia Machado Rosa (Chairman of the Board)
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Languages of Art Project

Languages of Art Project

Literature, music, dance and visual arts for all children.

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Motor Skills Education

Motor Skills Education

An expression of freedom, control and coordination, balance, harmony, strenght and agility.

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Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu

A training and self-defense activity that promotes balance, concentration and motor coordination.

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English for all, in a playful way and adapted to each child, promoting a facilitated acquisition of the language.

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A family school!

A family school!

It is not a calendar that builds a school, it is in a narrow dialogue with families.

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A Baroque Carnival!

A Baroque Carnival!

Antonietas and Alexandrinos, a Baroque version of the Carnival went out to the street.

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We have new stories!

We have new stories!

New books have arrived to our library! The Minutos de Leitura publisher offered our school a series of new books, intended for all age groups. Books with experience, well-presented books, colorful books with new characters that promise fun narratives and different adventures from the ones we already know. All parents and educators are invited to..

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Affections have invaded school!

Affections have invaded school!

In February we celebrate relations from cover to cover. School is a space of life! It is a space of relationships and celebrations, great conversations, various shares and many emotions. We usually celebrate with art from children’s hands, in dialogue with adults, because it is through this expression that we communicate best...

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APIA has educational responses to nursery and preschool groups and has about 130 children. APIA has agreements with Social Security and with the Ministry of Education.



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Entidade Reguladora: Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. Centro Distrital de Lisboa UDS/NRS – Unidade de Desenvolvimento Social/Núcleo de Respostas Sociais Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 175 1069-451 Lisboa